The Angelina Jolie Guide To Tips For Food Processor

Cuisinart DLC-10S Introduction

Back in the late 1940s an enterprising German inventor
Developed the first food processor. Although due to the
Shortage of electric motors at the moment, the device became a
Bit more than only a food processor.
Vacuum cleaner attachment that fitted to it. 25 Decades later,
In 1973 to be exact, the food processor was introduced to
The United States. It was a Magimix food processor but sold in America

slow cookers, for a while every food processor became

The Main Goal of the food processor was to make All of the labor
Intensive, repetitive kitchen tasks simple and quick to do by
Employing a machine. Although the food processors are several

Food processor the principle remains the same. To take all the
Mundane repetitive kitchen jobs which take a long time to do
by hand and make them easier. Although in addition to those
tasks, many of today's food processors, like the Cuisinart
DLC-10S will do a whole lot more besides and do it very

Control systems together with new and more durable
plastics have brought a dimension to the food processor that
Couldn't have been imagines over 40 years ago when the first
Cuisinart was released. The capacity has increased considerably,
The Cuisinart DLC-10S includes a 7 cup capacity. Along with

The Cuisinart DLC-10S will also stand up to a lot more wear

Offer a 3 year warranty on the whole unit and a 5 year

14.5 inches and weighs just over 13 lbs. when fully assembled. It does dismantle to make it easier to
Store if space ought to be a concern. The white base unit houses the powerful electric motor which
Provides the ability to the blades through a central drive shaft. The bowl and feed parts of the Cuisinart
DLC-10S are Made from a Difficult clear BPA free plastic That's safe to clean in the dish washer while the
cutting blades are stainless steel.
The dough blade is white plastic. So, what blades does the Cuisinart DLC-10S come with and what do
they do. Firstly the dough blade is quite self-explanatory, it's for mixing dough. The 7 cup capacity is just
Right for producing standard sized loaf of bread. For anybody who has ever made dough by hand, the
Cuisinart DLC-10S will make you wonder why you struggled for so long. The dough blade makes quick
And easy work of any dough, including cookie dough. The slicer blade makes 4mm (just under 1/8th
inch) thick slices.
When fed through the large capacity feed tube it makes short work of slicing large quantities of fruits
and vegetables. Caution must be exercised when using the large feed tube, you must use the supplied
Pusher rather than your hands since it's too easy to have an accident otherwise. The best fruits and
Vegetables to slice or shred are the ones which are slightly firm. It Doesn't perform as well with soft fruits,
for example. When slicing meat, the best results are obtained by chilling or even partially freezing the
meat first. This produces better quality and cleaner slices.
The Cuisinart DLC-10S will also slice semi-hard cheeses but again the best results are obtained by chilling
the cheese first. There is greater flexibility when it comes to shredding cheese, as long as it is first chilled
It will, in addition to semi-hard cheeses, shred semi-soft cheeses. It will shred parmesan cheese at room

temperature. Nuts can also be chopped with the shredding blade, or there is an optional fine shredding
blade for chopping finer.
The chopping blade can, in addition to chopping, be used for several other tasks, such a mixing cake
ingredients, making batter or mayonnaise. In addition to the large feed tube There's a hole in the lid
That is designed for dripping in liquids. This is very useful when adding oil to make mayonnaise.
The amount added can be carefully controlled.
The chopping blade may also be used to make nut butters or flavored butters. To make peanut butter 2
cups of nuts are added to the bowl and then chopped until the nuts form a ball. The sides of the bowl
Are scraped and chopped again until oil starts to appear. Then it is Only a matter of continuing until the
consistency that you want appears. To make it crunchy just add more nuts in the final moments.



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