What The Dalai Lama Can Teach You About Stand Mixers

Before You Buy a Stand Mixer

There is no denying that a stand mixer is so much nicer to use than a hand version, but
You do pay for this advantage.
Functional, particularly when optional accessories are available. Purchasing a stand mixer can
Require a small investment and with different wattage, features, and capacities, it can
seem downright confusing to shop for one.

These tips can help you make the best purchase decision.
Stand Mixer Use is the Supreme Consideration
How you would like to use the mixer is really your first consideration. If you bake for a
Large family or for social events or make several loaves of bread a week, you want a
powerful motor and a large capacity bowl - a minimum of 600 watts of power and a 6
Basing your decision on capacity is important. If your needs are
Smaller and you buy a large mixer, you'll find it cumbersome to use for small batches.
On the other hand, if your needs are great and you buy an undersized unit, you will need to
split your recipes and process them in batches.

A Caution Regarding Power Performance and Capacity
It may seem that the higher the wattage, the more power for mixing and kneading.
Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

Capacity, as opposed to solely on advertised wattage. Manufacturers will often provide
Capacity (so many cups of flour, etc) guidelines that may be quite helpful, but since
These usually tend to be a bit on the high side and may not be the best for optimum
mixing, base your decision on a reduced capacity level.
Best Stand Mixer Features
Overload protection is a nice feature, as is a locking tilt head. An all-metal construction
offers more durability. 10 - 12 speeds are average and most stand mixers come with 3
standard attachments (whisk, dough hook, and beater). Some models have a convenient
Timer onboard to remove the guesswork and a splash guard to prevent spills. A motor
that ramps up to the speeds will help protect the unit. Models with hubs to connect
optional accessories are the most functional. Warranties tend to vary between brands,
but some do offer longer periods.
KitchenAid Stand Mixers May Need Beater to Bowl Clearance Adjustment
A Stand Mixer Has its Limitations
While you would expect a high-wattage mixer to easily handle any dough, they do have
limitations. Even the best mixers have trouble handling very stiff dough. When dough
Causes the motor to become sluggish and stall, your mixer isn't designed to handle that
capacity or denseness of dough. It's not unusual to finish kneading bread dough by
Hand, even with a powerful mixer. To prevent motor burnout, follow the manufacturer's
Guidelines as to how long to operate the mixer in a session. Keep in mind that not
All mixers have built-in overload protection and they are not meant to run continually
for long periods.
Optional Stand Mixer Accessories
Many models come with a hub to connect optional accessories including

grinder, pasta or sausage maker. Although these accessories add to the
Cost of a mixer, they do make it more functional and decrease the amount of appliances
You require. However, they need sufficient power to operate these and you may want to
Consider the power level when purchasing your mixer.
Compare Prices of Mixer Accessories
Where Quality Speaks - What Influences Price
Since there's a wide price range for stand mixers, you should consider what influences
price. A base model may only have one mixing action (middle), whereas a higherpriced
unit will have a spiral or rotating action that covers a wide mixing area and gets
closer to the side of the bowl. This action mixes better and pulls in the contents so
there's less scraping needed.
Usually, the more power, the more you can do with the mixer. More expensive units
Will also have more durable components and all-metal construction.
Other Considerations
Based on the price of your mixer, you may wish to think about an extended warranty.
Pros & Cons of Extended Service Warranties
Appliance Parts & Repairs Resources


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